Saturday, December 13, 2008


Bruce Richard Hoff

bruce_hoff ''AT'' hotmail ''DOT'' com

Software design, engineering, management and supervision; genomic data analysis; computer modeling; machine learning and data mining techniques; numerous languages (Java, PL/SQL, C, C++, Matlab, etc.) and environments (Windows, Unix, Macintosh, etc.); strong engineering skills (digital and analog electronics, control theory), mathematical skills (numerical methods, calculus, probability and multivariate statistics); strong organizational and leadership skills.

Manager, GEL Computer Applications, Rosetta Inpharmatics March 2008 – present. Prioritized and tracked software development projects, delegating tasks among engineers, database administrators, and an SLC documentation specialist (an eight member team) in support of the Gene Expression Lab (GEL) Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS). Performed mid-year and year-end reviews. Completed corporate management training course, which spanned five months.

Senior Systems Architect, Rosetta Inpharmatics, July 2006-March 2008. Designed and implemented systems for processing and managing genomic data in Rosetta's Gene Expression Laboratory. Duties spanned all phases of software life cycle (requirements, design, implementation, test, deployment and maintenance), in both team leader and individual contributor roles. Developed systems using Java and Oracle, and performed system integration of third party components. Certified Green Belt, Merck Six Sigma, following two weeks of course work and completing a nine month process improvement project.

Director of Analytical Sciences, BioDiscovery, Inc. May 2002-July 2006. Investigated novel statistical approaches and data analysis techniques for software product line.

  • Managed the development of BioDiscovery's Array Results Manager analytics module for microarray data quality control, statistical analysis and results management.
  • Developed novel approaches for statistical and pathway analysis and visualization of gene expression data.
  • Supervised interns in California State University Summer Bioinformatics Program, carrying out experiments with pathway ranking of gene expression data.
  • Mentored summer interns in UCLA I.P.A.M. program, developing algorithms for network analysis of gene correlation data, combining brain cancer expression data with gene ontology information.
  • Provided microarray data analysis expertise to research collaborations in academia and industry, leading to submitted papers.
  • Presented research results at public conferences.

Director of Product Development, BioDiscovery, Inc. Jan.-May 2002. Directed development and maintenance of entire product line, including GeneDirector enterprise microarray data management system.

Project/Product Manager, GeneSight microarray data analysis product, BioDiscovery, Inc., Jan. 2000-Jan 2002.

  • Led development of GeneSight microarray data analysis product, from concept to completion. Recruited and supervised development team. Development used pure Java with Swing UI and public statistics packages.
  • Helped establish user support and documentation for product.
  • Designed, created, and conducted two day data analysis course for microarray researchers. Held course in San Diego, San Francisco, Boston, Princeton, Basel, and Amsterdam, and other locations.
  • Submitted patent disclosures for novel software interfaces and algorithms.
  • Published peer reviewed article on statistical analysis of microarray data.

Senior Research Staff, Hughes Research Laboratories, Information Sciences Laboratory, Feb 1993 – Jan 2000. Engaged in research and project leadership in military simulation, robotics, traffic flow modeling, fuzzy logic, multi-agent simulation, intelligent control, and augmented reality.

Research assistant, Human Frontier Science Program, Sept 1990 - Aug 1992. Developed computer models of human arm reaching behavior in collaboration with experimentalists in Lyon, France, and Parma, Italy.

Ph.D., Computer Science, Aug 1992, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. GPA: 3.8/4.0. Research interests: Neural Networks, Computational Neuroscience, Optimal Control.

Master of Science, Computer Science, Dec 1984, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. GPA: 3.8/4.0.

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, with minor in Electrical Engineering, Dec 1983, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. GPA: 3.5/4.0.

Howard M, Daily M, Hoff B, Method and Apparatus for Signaling among a Plurality of Agents, assigned 2002.

Hoff B, Method and Apparatus for Grouping Proteomic and Genomic Samples, filed 2002. (USPTO Application 20030171873)

Hoff B, Aoki K, Apparatus, Method, And Computer Program Product For Plotting Proteomic And Genomic Data, filed 2002. (USPTO Application 20030208322)

Draghici S., Petrov A., and Hoff B.. Methods for global significance analysis of cDNA and Protein microarray, filed, 2001.

Hoff B, Aoki K, Shams S, Draghici S, System and Method For Specifying and Applying Microarray Data Preparation, filed 2001. (USPTO Application 20030071843)

Hoff B, Howard M, Daily M, Method and Apparatus for Terrain Reasoning with Distributed, Embedded Processing Elements, #6,580,979, issued 6/17/2003.

Hoff B, Daily M, Howard M, Method and Apparatus for Controlling the Movement of a Plurality of Agents, #6507771.

Hoff B, Azuma R, Method For Dynamic Autocalibration Of A Multi-Sensor Tracking System And Apparatus For Incorporating It Therein, USPTO #6577976, issued 6/10/2003.

Berger A, Roberts MA, Hoff B, How dietary arachidonic- and docosahexaenoic- acid rich oils differentially affect the murine hepatic transcriptome, Lipids Health Dis. 2006; 5: 10.

Hoff B, Significance Testing Among Groups using GeneSight, in Data analysis Tools for Microarrays, S. Draghici ed., Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2003.

Draghici S, Kulaeva O, Hoff B, Petrov A, Shams S, Tainsky MA (2003) Noise sampling method: an ANOVA approach allowing robust selection of differentially regulated genes measured by DNA microarrays, Bioinformatics 19(11):1348-59.

Kuklin, A., S. Shah, B. Hoff, and S. Shams. (2001) Data management in microarray fabrication, image processing, and data mining. In: Grigorenko (Ed.) DNA Arrays – technologies and experimental strategies. CRC Press, Boca Raton pp. 115-128.

Draghici S, Kuklin A, Hoff B & Shams S, Experimental design, analysis of variance and slide quality assessment in gene expression arrays Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development 2001 4(3).

D. Payton, M. Daily, B. Hoff, M. Howard, C. Lee, Working Notes of the First International Workshop on Autonomy Oriented Computation (AOC-01), The 5th International Conference on Autonomous Agents (AGENTS 01), May 28 - June 1, 2001, Montreal, Canada, pp. 69-77.

M. Howard, B. Hoff, C. Lee, Proceedings of the 5th Intl. Conf. on Practical Applications of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology, April 2000, pp. 1-13.

B. Hoff, R. Azuma, Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Augmented Reality (ISAR 2000), IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2000, pp. 159-164.

D. Payton, M. Daily, B. Hoff, M. Howard, C. Lee, Proceedings of SPIE Mobile Robots XV, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Bellingham, WA, November 2000.

Hoff B, Azuma R, Autocalibration of an Electronic Compass in an Outdoor Autmented Reality System, International Symposium on Augmented Reality (ISAR'00), Oct. 5-6 2000 in Munich.

Hoff B, Howard MD, Lee C, Hierarchical Command and Control for Multi-Agent Teamwork, in Proceedings of 2000 Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agents Conference, Lancaster, England, April 2000.

Azuma R, Hoff B, Neely H, Sarfaty R, A Motion-Stabilized Outdoor Augmented Reality System, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality '99 (Houston, TX, 13 - 17 March 1999).

Azuma R, Hoff B, Neely III HE, Sarfarty R, Daily MJ, Bishop G, Chi V, Welch G, Neumann U, You S, Nichols R, Cannon J, Making Augmented Reality Work Outdoors Requires Hybrid Tracking, Proc. 1st Int'l Workshop on Augmented Reality, Nov. 1, 1998.

Hoff B, Lee C, Task Organization for Simulated Marine Exercises in CFOR and ModSAF, 7th Conf. on Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation, Orlando Fl. May 12-14, 1998.

Hoff B, Howard MD, Tseng DY (1995) Path Planning with Terrain Utilization in ModSAF, Proc. Fifth Conf. on Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation, Orlando Fl., May 9-11, 1995.

Hoff B (1994) A Model of Duration in Normal and Perturbed Reaching Movement, Biol. Cybern. 71: 481-488

Arbib MA, Hoff B (1994) Trends in Neural Modeling for Reach to Grasp, in Insights into the Reach to Grasp Movement. Advances in Psychology 105, KMB Bennett and U Castiello, eds., Amsterdam, North-Holland, 311-344.

Hoff B (1993) Using Optimal Control to Model Trajectory Formation and Perturbation Response in a Prehension Task, in Neural Networks in Robotics, GA Bekey and KY Goldberg, eds., Boston, Kluwer Academic Publ., 539-558.

Hoff B, Arbib MA (1993) Models of Trajectory Formation and Temporal Interaction of Reach and Grasp, J Motor Behav, Vol. 25, No. 3, 175-192.

Hoff B, Arbib MA (1992) A Model of the Effects of Speed, Accuracy and Perturbation on Visually Guided Reaching, in Control of Arm Movement in Space: Neurophysiological and Computational Approaches, Experimental Brain Research Supplement 22, R Caminiti, ed., Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 285-306.